I listen, and sometimes call, talk radio
Yes, I am a talk radio junkie!! Sports, politics, news, just about anything except doctor laura(I know I didn't capitalize anything, maybe when she gets a Ph. D. That actually qualifies her to give advice, then I'll give her the capitals....'nother story for 'nother post).
Anyways, my favorite local host is Peter Boyles. He is extremely intelligent, thoughtful, and not afraid to speak his mind. What side of the political spectrum you ask..I'd say about right in the middle, believe it or not. I agree with him on some issues(immigration, homelessness), other things not so much. But at least he makes you think about your own beliefs and where you stand, agree with him or not.
This morning was a kind of tongue-in-cheek show about childhoods and sports you used to play. They were mostly talking about baseball. One guest was talking about being hit and afraid of the baseball. I just had to call and share this story after I heard that!
When I was about 10 years old I played a LOT of baseball. During one game I was hit by a pitch(I was a catcher, and a pretty decent hitter). The next couple of games I kept backing out of the batters box afraid of getting hit by the ball. My father was the coach, and he had a remedy.
One night when he came home from work after we ate, he got an old baseball and put it in the drill press. "What are you doing to the ball?", I asked innocently. "You'll see", was his only reply.
After drilling the hole in the ball, he ran some old clotheshanger wire(yes kids, we used to dry clothes outside on warm days) through the hole and tied a knot in the end so the ball wouldn't come off-then we went to the front yard. He told me to grab a bat and a helmet, which I did still confused. Once in the yard he said,"Take you batting stance." I did. Then he started swinging this baseball-on-a-rope and said,"I want you to take some swings at the ball...Oh, and don't worry, it won't hit you unless I want it to." GRRREEEAAAATT!!!!
Now I don't know how much anyone reading this knows about baseball, like Pete Rose would "un"intentionally get hit to help his team. Let me tell you, after getting whacked with that damn ball about ten times(I wasn't allowed to get out of the way), I wasn't afraid of it anymore!!! I had bruises for a week from that damn ball....kind of makes me wish I had a son to do that to....but I digress...
While sharing this story with the audience, Peter asked the name of my first baseball team I played on, the first baseman's name, third...etc..and the names rolled off my tongue like I had just played with them yesterday. Oh the good ole days. Just one piece of advice. If you see a father and son in their front yard with a baseball-on-a-rope and a helmet and bat, do me two favors: 1) Don't call the cops, the kid has the better weapon and is more afraid of the ball than his Dad(I know from personal experience) and 2)Give me a call please, I'd love to be the one swing the ball next time
Anyways, my favorite local host is Peter Boyles. He is extremely intelligent, thoughtful, and not afraid to speak his mind. What side of the political spectrum you ask..I'd say about right in the middle, believe it or not. I agree with him on some issues(immigration, homelessness), other things not so much. But at least he makes you think about your own beliefs and where you stand, agree with him or not.
This morning was a kind of tongue-in-cheek show about childhoods and sports you used to play. They were mostly talking about baseball. One guest was talking about being hit and afraid of the baseball. I just had to call and share this story after I heard that!
When I was about 10 years old I played a LOT of baseball. During one game I was hit by a pitch(I was a catcher, and a pretty decent hitter). The next couple of games I kept backing out of the batters box afraid of getting hit by the ball. My father was the coach, and he had a remedy.
One night when he came home from work after we ate, he got an old baseball and put it in the drill press. "What are you doing to the ball?", I asked innocently. "You'll see", was his only reply.
After drilling the hole in the ball, he ran some old clotheshanger wire(yes kids, we used to dry clothes outside on warm days) through the hole and tied a knot in the end so the ball wouldn't come off-then we went to the front yard. He told me to grab a bat and a helmet, which I did still confused. Once in the yard he said,"Take you batting stance." I did. Then he started swinging this baseball-on-a-rope and said,"I want you to take some swings at the ball...Oh, and don't worry, it won't hit you unless I want it to." GRRREEEAAAATT!!!!
Now I don't know how much anyone reading this knows about baseball, like Pete Rose would "un"intentionally get hit to help his team. Let me tell you, after getting whacked with that damn ball about ten times(I wasn't allowed to get out of the way), I wasn't afraid of it anymore!!! I had bruises for a week from that damn ball....kind of makes me wish I had a son to do that to....but I digress...
While sharing this story with the audience, Peter asked the name of my first baseball team I played on, the first baseman's name, third...etc..and the names rolled off my tongue like I had just played with them yesterday. Oh the good ole days. Just one piece of advice. If you see a father and son in their front yard with a baseball-on-a-rope and a helmet and bat, do me two favors: 1) Don't call the cops, the kid has the better weapon and is more afraid of the ball than his Dad(I know from personal experience) and 2)Give me a call please, I'd love to be the one swing the ball next time
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